WATSON welcomes direct participation in the project from interested stakeholders and representatives in the field of SME innovation.
We are now inviting contributions to the WATSON Stakeholder Panel which is currently being assembled. We seek representatives and stakeholders based on technical expertise and knowledge, diversity of sectors, geographical coverage across Europe, with the ability to act as peer reviewers and project ambassadors.
This cross-sector Stakeholder Panel will increase the impact of the project, facilitate the presentation of the project to experts in the field, and provide valuable feedback, thus increasing the acceptance of the results by governing bodies and industry.
The key role of the Stakeholder Panel is to provide strategic direction and leadership to ensure that the main purpose of the WATSON project is met and to increase the overall impact of the project. It will act both as a network group and as an advisory body/peer-review group. The Panel will contribute to dissemination, exploitation and standardisation and provide feedback for the WATSON Work Packages.
In return, the Panel members will benefit from direct involvement in the project and its findings, influencing EU policy in the field of innovation and R&D tax incentives, and networking with peers across Europe.
An initial Stakeholder Panel launch meeting is to be held at the end of October 2018, hosted by Imperial College, London. This will give the opportunity to meet the WATSON partners and fellow prospective Panel members and to find out more about the project and the role of the Panel.
Please contact us if you are interested in joining the WATSON Stakeholder Panel or if you require further information.